Crawl Space Remained Untreated for 26 years by Alabama Termite and Pest

Crawl Space Remained Untreated for 26 years by Alabama Termite and Pest

For 26 years, Alabama Termite and Pest Control (ATPC) failed to treat very nice lakefront Heatherwood home, which was bonded by them. “When we investigated a possible termite infestation in the crawlspace of the home we found live termites all over. There were so many that you could actually hear them inside the wood,” this according to Tom Campbell Principal of Campbell Law PC.

In the video below, you can see the plywood on the bottom of the floor and supporting joists crumbles with the slightest touch.

The records show that for 26 years the termite and pest company never provided any preventive vaccinations to this home. This fact was also confirmed by state regulators. In addition, The trial judge forced ATPC into turning over the files for other customers whose homes were put under bonds in 1987 and found that none of the homes that year were ever treated. They tried to cover this up by petition to the Alabama Supreme Court and were denied.

Despite all of this becoming known the company still refuses the treat the home for the first time. This was even advised by their own lawyers who wrote to the company after inspecting and told them to make access to treat, to treat, and to fix all the damage in the home their wrongdoing caused. Now Alabama Termite and Pest Control will have to testify in court as to why they failed to heed this advice. The Trial is set in September in Columbiana.

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