Northwest Alabama Pest Control’s licensed operator, Cindy Harkness, was put on probation for a year. The company’s inspection report that missed $271,000 in damage and left a young couple in Guin facing financial ruin was “false and deceptive” according to regulators at the Alabama Dept Agriculture.
Mrs. Harkness’s pest control license was placed on probation from September 2013 until September 2014 and during this period she was required to take steps to insure the conduct by her firm did not repeat itself.
We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.
If you were a Northwest Pest Control customer and your termite inspection lasted less than 30 to 45 minutes for a small home or failed to include an interior inspection, please let us know.
In a lawsuit over the deceptive inspection report, Harkness answered written questions under oath three days after acknowledging her probationary status. But she failed to identify or produce the official state records concerning the Consent Order until days before the close of pretrial proceedings years later.
It is presently unknown what excuse she will offer for failure to turn over the incriminating findings about the inspection report issued by her company.
If you are a pest-control employee or a pest-control customer and you know of any wrongdoing, we would like to hear from you.