Termite infestations are plaguing homes all along the Gulf Coast, wreaking havoc on hundreds of lives every day. Thank God for local termite companies, right? Sadly, pest control companies are a major part of the problem.
News channel WPMI in Mobile, Alabama reported a heartbreaking story that illustrates how pest control company practices can often cause people to lose their homes.
One such example is Margaret Carson, a Gulf Coast homeowner that thought she had taken all of the right precautions for protecting her home. This included paying for an annual termite bond. She discovered damage in one room of her home, and thought her termite company fixed the problem. She soon discovered otherwise.
Below is actual video from the Carson’s home in which Attorney Tom Campbell, termite lawyer at Campbell Law PC describes the devastating damage caused by the infestation.
Carson had no idea that inside her home existed so much severe damage. Sadly, we hear stories like this daily. Pest control companies often claim that they performed proper termite treatments, and supposedly fixed the damage when in fact, they did very little to treat and protect the property?
The legal team at Campbell Law represents termite company victims across the U.S. Termite companies make money off annual termite inspections, but the sum decreases every time they find damage because of the costs associated with repair. This gives companies a strong incentive not to find or report all of the damage.
So what happens when these pest control companies are confronted? Not much. Carson, and countless others, get the same kind of runaround treatment which involves them not living up to their responsibility for damage caused.
Another home owner, Chris Kalifeh, paid over $50,000 out of pocket to repair the damage to his termite-infested home. He said it took four visits from his pest control company, and hitting a board with live termites in front of the technician before the company would even admit that there was an issue.
The technician would blatantly lie to Kalifeh, claiming that there was no damage even though signs of termites were obvious. What do you do after discovering that your pest control company conned you?
Attorney Campbell has some advice: “Contact a knowledgeable attorney immediately. Do not try to handle the infestation or damage yourself, you could potentially destroy your chances at filing an otherwise viable claim against your termite control company. Act immediately to avoid making mistakes that first-time victims make every day.”
This story is based on an investigatory article written by Andrea Ramey of News Channel WMPI in Mobile, AL. Click Here for the full article.