If the termite damage in your home was hidden before you found it, then how much could still be hidden and how can you find out how far the damage really goes?
Every year, thousands of people lose or nearly lose their homes to termites. As if the experience of the physical damage isn’t enough, termite infestation can leave countless emotional and financial scars as well – especially when the damage resulted from misplacing your trust in a supposed professional.
When you spend money on professional service, you expect to get what you paid for. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case when dealing with termite companies.
Below are some useful tips and to consider if you believe you have a termite infestation:
At Campbell Law PC, we have seen hundreds of cases where people lose their homes as a result of negligent termite treatment. If your termite company failed to provide adequate treatment that fell below state-mandated standards, we may be able to help you recover for the damages you have suffered.
Our team of dedicated termite lawyers and paralegals have the knowledge and tools for handling these often tricky cases.