Formosson Termites Discovered by Lawyers Inspecting Clients Home

Formosson Termites Discovered by Lawyers Inspecting Clients Home

For some reason we have represented a number of retired and active members of the clergy who have termite claims. In this case, the preacher was assured that there was not an active infestation in his family home and that the company would not pay to make repairs as a result. When Tom Campbell crawled into the crawl space and tapped on sills and joists, it literally took ten seconds or less to discover the damage and active termite infestation shown here.

The first clip is from the sill area immediately above the only entrance into the crawl area. You will see termite crawl out of the damaged wood. One frequent scam we see in these cases is a termite company claiming they have no liability unless they find active termites. Most homeowners will not (or cannot) inspect behind the termite professionals.

Another frequent scam is to claim that termites the customer finds are not the species covered by the termite bond. In this case, the termite company representative told the couple that the termites would not be covered even if live termites were found because they were “drywood” termites. There is no good faith way that a trained technician could confuse drywood and subterranean termites.

The company also sold the couple TWO termite bonds for termite prevention – one for “subterranean termites” and another for “Formosan termites.” What the company did was charge the customer to whom it already owed a treatment for applying additional chemical. This scam is frequent all along the American Gulf Coast states. The truth is that Formosan termites are a type of subterranean termites and the way to prevent both is to apply the same chemical in the same pains-taking way.

Here is an interesting question: Is it worse to defraud a preacher? We would love to hear your opinion.

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