Foam Insulation a Super Highway for Termites

Foam Insulation a Super Highway for Termites

Termites use foam insulation (a common building material since the 1970s) as a “super highway” to access wood throughout homes. In this Meadowbrook home in Shelby County Alabama, Scott’s Pest Control failed to vaccinate the home from termites, failed to inspect inside since 1999, and covered-up the fact that termites had destroyed the home after the homeowners found damage.

A lawsuit for the cost of rebuilding the home, mental anguish, and punitive damages is pending in Shelby County, Alabama. Termite damage was so extensive, they even tunneled through the plaster in drywall, tunneled through Masonite siding, and Formosan termite cartons are located throughout the home.

The insurance carrier sent inspectors to the home and they did not look inside access point made in the sheetrock or behind plastic sheeting covering the exterior walls where siding was removed.

Campbell Law PC helps consumers across the country and recovered many millions of dollars for hundreds of homeowners in 2012. Call us if you have information about Scott’s or if we can help you with your termite problems.

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