Bay Pest Control Customers Beware

Bay Pest Control Customers Beware
“Termite Tom” Campbell of Campbell Law PC warns Bay Pest Control’s termite prevention customers to look out for the company’s three-part strategy to avoid repairing all of the termite damage in their clients’ homes.
Tom Campbell of Campbell Law PC urges Bay Pest Control customers to get help if they’ve been cheated by the pest control company.

Termite bond customers in southern Mississippi and south Alabama, Tom Campbell of Campbell Law PC has a cautionary tale for you. If Bay Pest Control is using strategies from the same three-part playbook that “Termite Tom” describes here, you may need help with your termite damage claim.

Campbell Law PC has earned a national reputation working with home and business owners who have termite damage and have been cheated by their pest control company. Termite Tom and the Campbell Law PC team work on cases like this every day. Call us at 866-866-0703 or reach out by clicking “Contact” or “Tell Your Story” above.

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