In the video below, Tom Campbell of Campbell Law explains how to know when you should call a termite lawyer.
At Campbell Law, we have over 25 years’ experience in battling faulty pest control companies, helping hundreds of property owners recover maximum compensation.
Every year homeowners around the country pay millions of dollars to repair termite damage. This damage can almost always be avoided when a proper termite barrier is applied to the soil around and under the home.
The average person knows little or nothing about termite control and in a perfect world customers would be able to rely on the representations made by their hired termite control experts.
However, termite companies often mislead their customers. If you’ve been victimized by a termite company, help is available to you.
Our experienced termite lawyers have extensive experience in successfully handling termite complaint lawsuits. We have invested substantial resources in diligently investigating property damage and personal injury from chemical misapplication.
Pest control companies have convincing tactics for evading responsibility for faulty work. They know how to use confusing contracts, intimidation tactics, and legal jargon to deter people from filing lawsuits against them.
We know how to get around unfair terms written into pest control contracts.
At Campbell Law, we have successfully handled claims against pest control companies, recovering punitive damages both in court and through arbitration.
Read 19 Excuses Termite Companies Make When You Find Termite Damage
If you feel you have been wronged by termite and pest control companies, contact a qualified termite damage attorney today, before it’s too late!
We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.
For over 25 years, the team of skilled attorneys at Campbell Law has been successfully litigating cases against termite control companies across America. The videos below explain some of the things we have learned along the way.