Proven Experience Matters

Our Attorneys Have Won More Termite Cases In Arbitration
Than Any Firm In America, By Far.

“Termite Tom” Campbell Explains Why Calling A Qualified Lawyer ASAP Is Critical To The Success Of Your Claim.

Termite companies have convincing tactics for evading responsibility for faulty work. They know how to use confusing
contracts, intimidation tactics, and legal jargon to deter people from filing lawsuits against them.

We Know How To Get Around Unfair Terms Written Into Termite Contracts.


years combined experience

More Than


claims won or



for our clients

More Than


exhibits in our termite
evidence locker

Get a qualified lawyer’s help as soon as you think you have a termite problem.

We’re ready to get our hands dirty to help you recover all the
damages you are entitled to.

Repairs & Diminished Value
for Hidden Damages

Punitive Damages & Mental

Get a qualified lawyer’s helpas soon as you think you have a termite problem.

Repairs & Diminished Value
for Hidden Damages

Punitive Damages & Mental

emporary Living Costs

Attorney Fees

Temporary Living Costs

Attorney Fees

Referring Attorneys

Why spend hundreds of hours untangling the pest control industry’s web
of deceit? We can often accomplish the same result in a few hours.

You Can Trust Termite Tom With Your Case

We accept referrals of termite cases from across the country and would be happy to discuss any cases you may have. Millions of dollars in recoveries have been achieved for our clients and we are anxious to help you maximize the value of your cases.

Termite Damage Cases Don’t Have To Be A Baptism By Fire. Termite Tom Accepts Referrals And Works Nationwide.
Referring Attorneys
Thomas F. Campbell

Termite Tom

You are not alone ! We can help.

A good termite lawyer should have a business suit and a crawl suit, and know how to use them both – Termite Tom

Termite Stories

Serving The Termite Hotspots In The Us







Don’t settle for less!

Termite Tom has unmatched experience
in termite damage claims

Our Cases Have Been Featured In

the wall street journal

And in numerous law journals, newspapers, and local network affiliate news broadcasts.

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