When Should You Call a Termite Damage Lawyer?

When Should You Call a Termite Damage Lawyer?
Jan 06, 2023
Do You Need a Termite Lawyer?

When Should You Call a lawyer About a Termite Damage Problem?

“Termite Tom” Campbell, the attorney with the strongest track record of suing termite prevention companies suggests when you should stop handling your termite damage claim yourself and when you should hire an experienced termite lawyer.

Tom Campbell of Campbell Law PC has earned the nickname “Termite Tom” after years of suing termite companies for bad practices.
Campbell suggests the two biggest reasons you may need to call a lawyer to help with your termite damage claim from are 1) your termite company refuses to tear open your walls to find the full extent of the termite damage to your property and 2) your termite company refuses to accept responsibility for the damage for any reason.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

You’re In Good Hands

We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.

Pest control professionals know that the actual extent of termite damage in your home is far greater than what can be seen by the naked eye, and minimizing your claim by refusing to find ALL of the termite damage is just one of the many tactics these companies have in place that hurt homeowners and business owners.

Homeowners in states along the Gulf Coast are in the hot zone for termite damage in the U.S. Residents in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida especially face threats from Formosan subterranean termites, and homeowners in these states are up against termite prevention industry that simply isn’t treating homes properly.

The simplest rule of thumb applies here: if you are wondering if you need a lawyer to help with your termite damage claim, you probably do. Tom Campbell and the rest of the Termite Team at Campbell Law PC have devoted their entire practice to helping people hurt by the negligence and fraud of their termite companies.

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You aren’t in this alone. You can call us toll-free at 877-586-7582, email us at [email protected], or tell us your story HERE.

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