Terminix is Forced to Pay More than One Million Dollars in Arbitration Case

Terminix is Forced to Pay More than One Million Dollars in Arbitration Case
Jan 23, 2012

A Birmingham lawyer and his wife were awarded one million dollars plus litigation expenses as a result of deliberate fraud by Terminix that resulted in extensive termite damage to their Mountain Brook, Alabama home. Arbitrator Kenneth O. Simon, a retired Circuit Court Judge entered the 31 page award on January 19, 2012. Terminix contended that it had already paid to repair all but a few thousand dollars in damages.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

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We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.

Campbell Law PC agrees with the arbitrator that Terminix’s lawyers went through “herculean efforts” to prevent the outcome and that they were “outstanding.” Bad facts usually cause bad outcome for misbehaving companies – not bad lawyers.

Click here to see the arbitrator’s detailed and blistering opinion reproduced in full.

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