We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.
When we discovered a massive termite infestation and mounting repair costs to make our house whole again, we were left with many questions and not much help. Thankfully, we contacted Campbell Law and their team…
Campbell Law is a professional and very knowledgeable team of lawyers, paralegals and staff. Tom Campbell is the best and his team is just as awesome. Thank you to the Campbell law team for going…
I am very grateful for Campbell Law Firm & Associates. If it had not been for Tom and his team, we would not be where we are today. They were very supportive and confident throughout…
The Campbell Law Firm represented us after devastating termite damage occurred to our home in 2014. With the negotiated settlement, we recovered funds sufficient to demolish the damaged parts and reconstruct those areas of the…
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5336 Stadium Trace Parkway Suite 206
Birmingham, Alabama 35244
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