Pensacola, FL, Termite Damage Lawyer

Home |  Pensacola, FL, Termite Damage Lawyer

Termite damage is an unfortunate reality for many property owners in the Pensacola area and throughout the southeastern United States, and many of these property owners trust pest control companies to manage these problems and fix the damage done. Unfortunately, many of these companies take advantage of their customers in various ways. If you have termites your pest control company did not do what they were supposed to do. If they have properly applied their treatment you wouldn’t have termites. A Pensacola, FL, termite damage lawyer can help you pursue legal recourse if this has happened to you.

“Termite Tom” Campbell and the team at Campbell Law PC have successfully tried more termite damage claim cases than any law firm in America.

If you have a termite infestation or termite damage in your home, business, or church, it’s very likely that your pest control company has not done its job properly.
If your pest control company:

  • Tries to shirk responsibility
  • Take shortcuts on treatments and repairs
  • Minimize your claim in any way

You need the help of an experienced, knowledgeable termite damage claim lawyer. The effects of termite damage on your property and the financial and emotional uncertainty that come with it can be devastating. Termite Tom and Campbell Law can help.

These cases are inherently difficult because most people are simply unaware of their rights when it comes to dealing with fraudulent service providers. They often assume that because they signed a bond, they have no choice but to accept whatever the pest control company claims. This is not true, and the right legal team can provide the compassionate and responsive legal counsel you need to hold a pest control company accountable for its fraud and failure.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

You’re In Good Hands

We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.

Experienced Legal Counsel for Termite Damage Claims in Pensacola, FL

Termite Tom and the team at Campbell Law, PC, focus exclusively on termite damage claims. We provide nationwide legal representation to property owners who have been victimized by termite damage and the companies who have failed to deliver on their promises and taken advantage of their trust. No other firm has won as many termite damage claims as Campbell Law, PC, and we are prepared to leverage this experience for you.

Fraud is rampant in the pest control industry because many of the companies offering pest control services knowingly take advantage of their customers’ trust. They may sell them services that they don’t actually perform or only perform a fraction of what was promised. When damage continues or worsens, the company will shift blame, use high-pressure sales tactics to force customers to buy more services, and even lie to protect themselves.

Our firm has compiled more than 15,000 evidence exhibits over many years of litigation against pest control companies. We have proven legal strategies designed to expose pest control company fraud and help our clients recover as much as possible. When you choose our firm to represent you, you are investing in decades of focused professional experience and a dedicated team of legal advocates who will fight to help you recover maximum compensation.

How Pest Control Companies Take Advantage of Customers

Most people know about termites is that they can severely damage structures in a property, and you do not want them in your home or business. These property owners trust pest control companies to not only eliminate existing infestations but also identify termite damage and prevent it from continuing to be a problem in the future. Proper termite extermination requires very careful inspection and effective tools and treatments.

Many termite damage claims in Pensacola arise simply because pest control companies do not deliver promised results. They sometimes cut corners, performing surface-level treatments without inspecting for hidden damage or identifying the places where termites are most likely to start swarming. They may also claim that damage resulting from their ineffective services is not their fault, attempting to shift blame to the customer or other parties.

One of the most common issues is the claim that the pest control company is not responsible for hidden damage or that they do not need to inspect the deepest areas of the property when performing their services. This is simply untrue and an excuse to extract maximum profit from unwary customers. When these companies fail to check for hidden damage, the damage worsens, or hidden infestations continue to grow and will eventually spread throughout the property.

When confronted by angry customers, these companies will typically resort to various tactics in their efforts to avoid taking responsibility for ineffective work. They fraudulently misrepresent their services, and they will often try to extract maximum profit from a customer in whatever way they can. Many people trust these companies and believe they performed good work, only to later discover the problem was never really resolved and has only gotten worse.

Building a Termite Damage Claim in Pensacola

When you have paid a pest control company to resolve a termite infestation, and they have exploited your trust, it is vital to speak with a Pensacola, FL, termite damage lawyer as quickly as possible. Your legal representative can inspect the extent of the damage, examine the bond you had with the pest control company, and help you determine your most viable legal options for resolving this situation.

Fraud is a consistent issue in the pest control industry because unscrupulous companies take advantage of unwary customers. When confronted they will often resort to intimidation tactics or use confusing legal jargon to try to convince unhappy customers that they have no legal recourse. Some of these individuals are effectively bullied into paying for more services when their problem is the result of the pest control company’s ineffective treatments.

These companies will rely on their bonds for protection when their customers call them out for failing to produce acceptable results. Termite Tom and the team of attorneys at Campbell Law, PC, have years of experience reviewing these bonds and know how to spot fraud. We can conduct a thorough independent examination of your property to determine exactly what went wrong and how the pest control company failed to meet its obligations.

Campbell Law, PC, also coordinates with various expert witnesses to support our clients’ cases. These experts include former pest control company whistleblowers and other industry experts who can explain how a pest control company committed fraud against our client. We have successfully leveraged our experience and professional resources on behalf of thousands of clients and can help you build a comprehensive case.

Compensation for a Termite Damage Claim in Pensacola

If you have paid a pest control company to take care of a termite problem and they have failed, you may believe that you have no legal recourse due to the bond you signed with them. This is not true, and the reality is that many of these bonds do not provide the legal insulation that pest control companies intend. When a company has committed fraud against their customer, this negates their bond, so you have the right to seek full damages.

Your Pensacola, FL, termite damage lawyer at Campbell Law, PC, can help you recover various forms of compensation if you are successful with your case. Once our firm completes our assessment of your bond, we can carefully outline all the various forms of compensation available to you and do everything we can to maximize your recovery.

Property damage is often the focal point of termite damage claims. You may not only have grounds to seek compensation for the cost of repairing your property but also for lost property value. If you were forced to move because of an extreme infestation, you may have grounds to claim compensation for miscellaneous damages like moving costs, storage fees, and travel. Your attorney can help you keep track of all expenses related to your termite damage.

This experience has also likely taken a severe emotional toll on you and your family. You have the right to seek compensation for emotional distress and mental anguish caused by another party, and our firm knows how to maximize this aspect of your recovery. You may also be entitled to punitive damages at the court’s discretion, which, as the name implies, intend to punish a defendant and discourage them from similar behavior in the future.

How Your Pensacola, FL, Termite Damage Lawyer Can Help You Recover

Termite Tom and the team at Campbell Law, PC, exclusively take termite damage claims. Our team has years of experience inspecting our clients’ properties, reviewing bonds with service providers, and proving fraud to hold pest control companies accountable for the damages they cause. If you have discovered termite damage on your property that a pest control company claimed to have resolved, you need to speak with us right away.

Do not attempt to fix termite damage yourself. It’s understandable to want to protect your property and eliminate the problem immediately. Any attempts at do-it-yourself repairs could ruin your termite damage claim by accidentally damaging key evidence. If a pest control company was fraudulent in their representation of their services, they are responsible for the resulting losses. Our team can help you pursue accountability and will recover as much compensation as we can for you.

Tom Campbell didn’t come up with the “Termite Tom” nickname. In fact, for a long time, he didn’t like it and resisted it. Executives at pest control companies, their big insurance companies, and their local pest control operators started using “Termite Tom” over two decades ago when Campbell Law really began to focus on termite damage claims and win. None of them wanted to be associated with a case handled by “Termite Tom.” So while he didn’t start the nickname “Termite Tom,” he sure has earned it.

While it is possible to pursue a termite damage claim on your own, Campbell Law, PC, excels at resolving these cases efficiently and to maximum effect. We are often able to secure exponentially better results than one could expect with self-representation, and pest control companies throughout the United States are well aware of our reputation when it comes to holding fraudulent service providers accountable.

During an initial consultation with our team, we can listen to your story and help you determine your most viable legal options. You need to start building evidence with the help of legal counsel as soon as you can. It is important to start building your termite damage case right away, so contact us today to schedule your initial case review and learn how an experienced Pensacola, FL, termite damage lawyer can assist with your recovery.

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