Moisture Doesn’t Cause Termites

Moisture Doesn’t Cause Termites

Attorney Taylor Abbot explains, in the video below, that when companies blame the cause of termite infestation on moisture, they are fibbing. Any reputable entomologist will tell you that moisture in wood or soil does not cause termites. In fact, the concentrated chemicals used to kill termites are always diluted with water. If water made the chemical ineffective then it wouldn’t be used to make pesticide solution.

So if your company is claims that moisture is the cause of your termite infestation, then you can be assured that they are playing games. If they were willing to provide you with such a falsified response is it possible that were not forthcoming with other pieces of information? For this reason, you might want to have advocates on your side who are armed with the right facts and who have experience handling these kinds of claims.

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