Florida Termite Damage Lawyer

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Every year, thousands of Florida property owners trust pest control companies to remove pests, treat their properties to prevent further pest damage, and take responsibility when their services fail to deliver acceptable results. If you have termites your pest control company did not do what they were supposed to do. If they have properly applied their treatment, you wouldn’t have termites.

Unfortunately, pest control industry fraud is rampant in the United States, and if you have suffered losses due to ineffective pest control services, an experienced Florida termite damage lawyer is the ideal resource to consult.

“Termite Tom” Campbell and the team at Campbell Law PC have successfully tried more termite damage claim cases than any law firm in America.

If you have a termite infestation or termite damage in your home, business, or church, it’s very likely that your pest control company has not done its job properly.
If your pest control company:

  • Tries to shirk responsibility
  • Take shortcuts on treatments and repairs
  • Minimize your claim in any way

You need the help of an experienced, knowledgeable termite damage claim lawyer. The effects of termite damage on your property and the financial and emotional uncertainty that come with it can be devastating. Termite Tom and Campbell Law can help.

Representing Termite Damage Cases Throughout Florida

Thomas Campbell and the team at Campbell Law, PC, have cultivated a strong professional reputation as the leading termite damage attorneys nationwide, with more than 25 years of experience helping victims of termite damage hold pest control companies and their insurance carriers accountable for damages. We are consistently able to secure results that far exceed our clients’ expectations and the amounts they would be able to recover with self-representation.

Our firm focuses exclusively on termite damage claims and disputes with pest control companies and their insurance carriers. We have built an exceptionally strong locker of evidence cataloging more than 15,000 pieces of evidence proving the rampant fraud and ineffective services peddled by the pest control industry. We also have an extensive network of expert witnesses, including pest control company whistleblowers, to help support our clients’ cases.

When you choose our firm to represent you in a termite damage claim, we have several proven legal strategies we can deploy to help you win your case. We know the excuses that termite companies like to use to try to avoid liability for their ineffective services and professional failures and the pressure tactics they often use to try to take advantage of unwary property owners who want nothing more than to keep their properties safe.

If you believe you have been the victim of termite damage in Florida due to fraudulent pest control company practices, ineffective services, or bad faith dealings from a pest control company’s insurance carrier, we can help. Our firm will carefully review the details of your situation and help you determine the optimal strategy for ensuring accountability, and we will do everything we can to maximize your compensation.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

You’re In Good Hands

We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.

Understanding Pest Control Company Fraud in Florida

Termite damage claims pertain to property damage caused by termites, which pest control companies are paid to prevent. If a property owner paid for these services and the company failed to deliver acceptable results, it is vital to determine the reason why. It’s possible for these claims to arise in several ways:

  • If you paid a pest control company to remove an infestation and they failed to do so correctly, you may have experienced further termite damage that the pest control company now refuses to fix unless you pay for their services again. If you fell victim to high-pressure unethical sales tactics and were taken advantage of, we can help you pursue accountability.
  • Pest control companies will sometimes cut corners, such as fixing surface-level damage without looking inside walls and other places where hidden infestations can multiply and cause worse damage later. They may also falsely claim that your damage is the result of carpenter ants and, therefore, is not a termite problem. An experienced Florida termite damage lawyer can prove whether termites or carpenter ants caused damage.
  • Some pest control companies use high-pressure sales tactics to attempt to upsell clients on services they don’t actually need and/or are ineffective. They may also charge clients for services that they don’t even perform or fail to perform correctly. This is a classic example of pest control company fraud that victimizes many people throughout the United States each year.
  • A company might claim that because they cannot find any live termites, the damage you want repaired isn’t their responsibility. They may also attempt to downplay an infestation by claiming that they didn’t find any swarming termites, so the problem isn’t severe. Our team knows how to spot the signs of termite damage that any reasonable pest control professional should be able to identify and resolve.
  • A pest control company might claim they are not obligated to find hidden damage or pay for damage resulting from their ineffective repair work. If you paid for termite treatment and repair services, the company is required to fully investigate your property, look for any hidden damage, and remove the problem completely to fulfill their end of your service bond.
  • Some companies will shift blame to their insurance carriers, telling unhappy clients that they may talk to their insurance carriers to resolve their issues rather than taking responsibility. This can create a frustrating roundabout of phone calls, misdirection, and obfuscation tactics meant to leave the client feeling like they have no legal recourse.

These are only a few possible examples of how these cases might arise in Florida. Ultimately, if you are unsure whether you have grounds for a case against a pest control company, it is crucial that you speak with a Florida termite damage lawyer as quickly as possible. The right attorney can help you understand your rights, explain your legal options, and guide you through the process of holding a pest control company accountable.

Does Insurance Cover Termite Damage in Florida?

Most homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover termite damage in Florida or in most other states. This means that homeowners are usually left to cover the cost of termite damage on their own, and they will often trust pest control professionals to treat existing problems and prevent further damage. If you trusted such a company and they failed to produce results, you need to arrange for a professional termite damage inspection immediately.

A proper inspection will help you assess the true extent of the infestation and the damage it has caused. This requires careful inspection of various elements of your property, knowing the signs of a termite infestation, and knowing where to look for hidden damage. While the damage may be severe, and you will want to fix it immediately, you should not attempt this on your own. If you have grounds for legal recourse against a pest control company, you could ruin your case.

Building a Termite Damage Case in Florida

If you have trusted a pest control company to handle termite infestation and they have taken advantage of your trust, it is crucial that you speak with a Florida termite damage lawyer right away. Your attorney can help you assess the full extent of the damage, review the terms and conditions of the service bond you have with the pest control company, and assist you in determining your most viable avenues of legal recourse.

Pest control companies are adept at taking advantage of unwary and trusting clients. They may use intimidation tactics and legal jargon in their attempts to coerce their clients into paying for more services or to convince them that the damage they caused is actually their own fault. Some will even include unfair terms and conditions in their bonds, hoping to insulate themselves from legal recourse when their services fail to produce acceptable results.

Termite Tom and the team at Campbell Law, PC, can carefully inspect your property for termite damage. We can also review your bond with the pest control company to determine whether they fulfilled their bondual obligations and to discern whether they included any unfair terms, unethical billing practices, or if they were fraudulent with the presentation of their offered pest control services.

Our firm can coordinate with expert witnesses, if necessary, to help you prove the exact cause of the damage and to highlight the pest control company’s professional failures. Our team is fluent in navigating bonds and knows how to help our clients get around unfair terms that initially appear to be roadblocks to their legal recourse. We have leveraged our experience and resources to help thousands of clients recover compensation for all types of damages.

Recovering Compensation in a Florida Termite Damage Case

When you pay a service provider for a service, you expect the results to match their promises. If they failed to perform the service you purchased, it is fraud, especially if they claimed to have held up their end of your service bond but knowingly cut corners or performed shoddy work. Termite damage is extremely costly, and you should not be left with the bill for an unethical pest control company’s failure to meet their professional responsibilities.

Our team will help you assess the full extent of the property damage you suffered. You may be able to recover compensation not only for the cost of repairing your property but also for the lost value of the property. If your home was infested and sustained termite damage, you are also likely eligible to claim compensation for emotional distress and mental anguish.

If you were forced to leave your home, you can also seek compensation for temporary living arrangements, moving, and storage of your possessions as miscellaneous damages. Finally, if the company defrauded you, you are likely eligible to receive punitive damages. As the name suggests, these damages are meant to punish the company for unethical actions and to deter them from attempting such actions again in the future.

It’s important to remember that your bond with the pest control company may not provide them with the protections it appears to provide. If your Florida termite damage lawyer is able to prove fraud, which Campbell Law, PC, is often able to do, then the bond’s terms and conditions no longer apply, and you will be able to recover full damages for the results of the pest control company’s ineffective services.

Ultimately, the damage you have suffered from a termite infestation can extend far beyond the initial cost of repairs. You may be unable to remain in your home and will need to move, but it is very difficult to sell a home that has been damaged by termites. While it is technically possible to sell your home in Florida with a termite issue, it is very difficult and requires additional steps during the sale process, and you will likely need to settle for less than your ideal asking price.

What to Expect From Your Florida Termite Damage Lawyer

Campbell Law, PC, has built a team of attorneys who are completely focused on termite damage litigation, including claims against fraudulent pest control companies and property damage claims denied by insurers. Our evidence locker is packed with years worth of documented proof of termite damage, the results of ineffective pest control services, and the fraud they often commit against unwary clients.

When you choose our firm to represent you, we can carefully assess the details of your situation and review your service bond with the pest control company. We can also review all of the correspondence you have had with the company and examine any notices they have sent regarding your services and the work they have performed. We can also conduct our own extensive investigation of your property to accurately determine what went wrong.

Most of our success pertains to our ability to identify fraud when a pest control company has intentionally attempted to take advantage of its client. We can help you fully exercise your rights when a pest control company has fraudulently misrepresented their services or if they have not performed the services for which you have paid. Our goal is to help you identify all the various forms of damage you have suffered and to maximize your recovery.

Tom Campbell didn’t come up with the “Termite Tom” nickname. In fact, for a long time, he didn’t like it and resisted it. Executives at pest control companies, their big insurance companies, and their local pest control operators started using “Termite Tom” over two decades ago when Campbell Law really began to focus on termite damage claims and win. None of them wanted to be associated with a case handled by “Termite Tom.” So while he didn’t start the nickname “Termite Tom,” he sure has earned it.

You have a relatively short time to build this type of case. Once you realize that a pest control company has taken advantage of you, you may discover that during the time you assumed your termite problem was handled, the infestation has only gotten worse, and your property is in even worse shape than it was when you called the pest control company for help.

The team at Campbell Law, PC, has the skills, resources, and focused professional experience necessary to handle the most challenging termite damage claims in Florida. We can help you hold the pest control company accountable for its failures, and we have a proven record of successful cases to show our commitment to our clients’ recoveries. to schedule your consultation with a Florida termite damage lawyer you trust.

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