Epidemic of Catastrophic Terminix Damage to Historic Churches

Epidemic of Catastrophic Terminix Damage to Historic Churches
Apr 28, 2022
Lawyers at TermiteTom.com are responding to a growing disaster for historic churches by forming a special practice group and educating churches nationwide on how to react when termite damage is discovered.

The lawyers at Campbell Law PC are focusing on the unique problems churches face when termite damage is discovered in an historic and costly-to-restore place of worship. In the past year in Alabama alone, the firm has begun handling claims for a dozen historic church properties from the Tennessee Valley to Mobile Bay. Tom Campbell notes that the culprit so far in these churches’ termite damage claims in Terminix: “the sad tale is always the same: fake termite prevention service and grossly deficient inspections.”

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Even after some damage was discovered by the churches, Terminix misrepresented the scope of damage and provided fake remedial treatments that left these sacred treasures at risk of continuing hidden infestation and destruction.

At many of the church buildings, entire roof systems that are 200 years old will have to be demolished and specialists brought in to replicate old-world craftsmanship because of the structural problems create by termite damage. In one claim, Terminix had left an architectural marvel unprotected since 1939 when Hitler was invading Poland (read more here).

Epidemic of Catastrophic Terminix Damage to Historic Churches - 2

Experienced TermiteTom.com lawyers are working to help churches and religious facilities. Special damages experts are being developed also.

In addition, the team is educating churches nationwide. This week, Campbell met with facility managers from Catholic archdiocese across the country in Denver. “We want them to know that when they see signs of a termite problem, massive destruction is likely hidden in walls and hard to see places. We also want the stewards of these churches to understand that fraud by their termite company may well allow recovery of all resulting damages – even when that is tens of millions of dollars,” Tom Campbell says.

Based upon their initial inspections and their experience dealing with termite destruction caused by Terminix’s fraud, the Termite Tom attorneys fear this will be a big problem for houses of worship throughout the country, especially in the Formosan termite hotbed of the southeast. The attorneys suspect that the actual number of severely damages churches on the Gulf Coast will be in the dozens. It didn’t have to be this way. Terminix knew how to protect these churches but simply chose to steal their money and leave them vulnerable.

Facility managers and other church officials who suspect their church has a problem with termites that should have been prevented can reach out here or call 877-586-7682.

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