U.S. News and World Report Selects Campbell Law PC One of the Best Law Firms in America for 2014.
“Since 2012 U.S. News and World Report has identified the best law firms in America and blessed our small firm with this honor,” according to Tom Campbell, principal of the firm. “Once again for 2014, Campbell Law PC’s team is honored in specialties for “commercial litigation” and “litigation – real estate” with the latter specialty a nod toward our nationwide representation of homeowners with claims against pest control companies” Campbell explains.
We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.
It is unusual for small firms to receive the ranking and even more unusual for a firm to be chosen that routinely represents plaintiffs instead of businesses. “Most contributors to the surveys that go into rankings like this come from the big corporate law firms,” according to Campbell. “This is a testament to our team of lawyers,” Campbell says, “including former prosecutor Keiron McGowin and our newest member – Taylor Powell and a staff of dependable and dedicated legal assistants in Liz Harper and Melvalyn Edwards.”