This man watched as the foundation of his home crumbled into dust before his eyes.
The home provides shelter and security for himself, his wife, daughter, granddaughter and his mother-in-law. His mother-in-law is declining with Alzheimer’s.
He cannot build another house or pay to have one re-built because he lives with an implanted pacemaker and defibrillator and is disabled.
We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.
The security offered by having a home is critical to his daily peace of mind. Aside from God and family, a secure home is the foundation of his life. The same is true for most of us to one degree or another.
None of this would have happened if Terminix had fulfilled the promise made in his termite protection contract which was to “provided the necessary service to prevent subterranean termite attack.” Terminix failed to fulfill this promise for almost twenty years.
Damage was discovered when part of the floor system collapsed and a neighbor told our client that the wood he had torn-out was termite damaged. Terminix approved repairs that left sever damage in the very area where the floors collapsed and the company did nothing to repair the disintegrating box sills in the foundation. Terminix’s contract promised to arrange for replacement of all damaged wood. Terminix did not do that and it knew that was not done. In other words, the company failed to tell the truth to a man it knew could not crawl under the home to see if they were accurately describing what was in the crawlspace. On the contrary, the company gave repeated assurances there was nothing else he should worry about. Later he discovered the front of the house was sinking. Terminix told him they would not pay a dime for the damage the company caused. He feared there was no he could fight a company that rakes in well over a billion dollars a year.
This man and his family reached out for help from Campbell Law PC. We look forward to helping this family put their home and their lives back together so they can stop worrying about losing their home.