Alabama Termite Damage Lawyer

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If your Alabama property has been damaged by termites, you should be aware of your legal rights under any pest control bond or insurance policy. If your home, place of business, or house of worship is dealing with termites, this means the pest control company you hired did not properly do their job. The truth is simple: if their treatments were correctly applied and carried out, you wouldn’t have termites. An Alabama termite damage lawyer can pursue compensation for the resulting losses.

At Campbell Law, P.C., we have over 25 years of experience in representing clients against their negligent or faulty pest control companies. Our firm has worked to recover millions of dollars in damages for these clients. Termite damage claims can be complex, and it is essential that you only pursue these claims with the assistance and legal support of an experienced and knowledgeable termite damage lawyer. You might be entitled to more damages than you think, which is where Termite Tom can help.

“Termite Tom” Campbell and the team at Campbell Law PC have successfully tried more termite damage claim cases than any law firm in America.

If you have a termite infestation or termite damage in your home, business, or church, it’s very likely that your pest control company has not done its job properly.
If your pest control company:

  • Any treatment reports from the company
  • Photos of the termite infestation
  • Photos of any damage to your home
  • Any available physical pieces of damaged wood
  • Inspection & reports by expert entomologist
  • Pest control company training materials, internal documents, and memos

You need the help of an experienced, knowledgeable termite damage claim lawyer. The effects of termite damage on your property and the financial and emotional uncertainty that come with it can be devastating. Termite Tom and Campbell Law can help.

Most people do not have a firm understanding of termite control, so they should be able to count on the guidance of their pest control companies. Unfortunately, these businesses often mislead their clients and even work to avoid paying out legitimate claims. If you have been misled or victimized by your pest control company, legal assistance is available. At Campbell Law, P.C., our skilled Alabama termite damage lawyers can handle your claim and recover damages through arbitration or in court.

Defining Termite Damage in Alabama

Termites are common household pests in the Deep South of the United States. They often invade the wood structures of buildings, but they also have no problem damaging other areas of your building as well. Termites can infest drywall, siding, and even concrete. The most vulnerable areas of your structure can include flooring, window frames, door frames, and the actual, integral structure of your home. These insects can be relentless.

There are several obvious signs that your structure has been infested with termites. These can include:

  • Insect Swarms: This is often the most obvious sign that termites live among you. A swarm of these insects often accumulates during their mating season, and the results can cause quite an interference with your daily life. No matter if you can hear them or not, if you see termites flying around inside your structure, know that they are most certainly living in and destroying it.
  • Insect Wings: After their mating season, termites will lose their wings. If you begin to discover termite wings lying around inside your property, these pests have likely made a home inside your structure and are working to destroy it from within.
  • Hollow Wood: Another telltale sign of termite infestations is hollow wood. If you tap on the wood framing of your property and it sounds hollow, termites have most likely already started working on destroying your structure. These insects tend to eat away at wood from the inside out, creating a massive and unstable structural issue for you.
  • Warped Doors and Windows: As termites eat away at the structural integrity of your property, you may begin to discover that certain areas aren’t fitting as well as they used to. Window and door frames may bulge or become loose, which can be a clear sign of a termite infestation.
  • Mud Tubes: If you discover tiny mud tubes in the foundation of your home or business, this could indicate a termite infestation. These tubes are often built by the pests as a complex transportation system, which they use to break into your structure from the outdoors.
  • Paint or Wallpaper Damage: Termite infestations can damage several types of materials within your structure, such as plaster, sheetrock, wood paneling, and wallpaper. Termites can tunnel through the insulation of your walls and emerge through these various materials. If this occurs, you are most likely dealing with a significant infestation, and you should contact a seasoned termite damage lawyer as soon as possible.

Dealing with termites can be devastating, costly, and extremely frustrating. These destructive insects can invade your property and cause extreme amounts of damage. Repair costs can climb into thousands of dollars. When pest control companies fail to do what they were hired for, work to avoid liability, or even act in bad faith, it can leave you feeling uncertain of where to turn next.

Termite Tom is highly experienced and knowledgeable in remedying these termite damage claims. Pest control companies are known to use evasion tactics to avoid responsibility for their faulty or negligent work. At Campbell Law, P.C., we know what termite damage looks like. Our firm can use these telltale signs to stand up against these companies and prove that they acted negligently or in bad faith.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

You’re In Good Hands

We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.

Why You Should Turn to Termite Tom

Termite Tom focuses on termite damage cases. The entire team at Campbell Law, P.C., works to expose fraud in the pest control industry. We have a proven record of success in legal claims and arbitration against termite companies across the nation. We have represented many families, businesses, and organizations in recovering damages after dealing with not only the swarms of damaging insects but also the companies they turned to for help.

At Termite Tom, our attorneys have won more termite claims through arbitration than any other firm in America. We have a thorough understanding of the tactics used by termite companies to avoid liability and know what evidence is needed to strengthen your claim. While many pest control companies will try to hide behind their large insurance companies, we have what it takes to prove their fraudulent or negligent practices so you can obtain your due compensation.

If you are dealing with a termite infestation and all the damage that often accompanies these invasions, Termite Tom can hold the involved pest control company accountable. We can evaluate your overall case and determine if you have grounds to file a termite damage claim.

Termite control companies are pros at using legal jargon, intimidating actions, and confusing bonds to deter you from filing a claim. Termite Tom doesn’t stand for these behaviors. Our firm can work to recover the maximum damages available in your termite damage claim.

Defining and Understanding Termite Inspections in Alabama

When you hire a pest control company to address your termite infestation, they might not perform an adequate inspection. This can lead to further reinfestation or a worsening of the damage already suffered.

Often, the company will try to get you to pay for their treatment, even though their actions did not actually address the problem at hand. That’s why it is wise to understand what to look for in a termite damage inspection, as you can then avoid scams or fraudulent pest control companies. A termite company should inspect all possible locations of a termite infestation, especially the areas of your structure that provide the most welcoming environment for these pests.

Such areas can include any moist place in your building, the wooden supports of your structure that make contact with the ground, and areas with wood mulch. These should always be checked by a termite company for any wood damage, discarded wings, swarms of insects, mud tubes, and exit holes. The most common areas that a termite damage inspection should cover include the foundation, basement, attic, crawlspace, and any hardwood floors or exposed wood.

If the pest control company fails in its duty to inspect every area of your structure for clear signs of termite damage, then you have not received an adequate inspection. This can lead you to suffer emotional distress, financial losses, and even the possible destruction of your home, business, or place of worship. In this situation, it is vital that you contact Termite Tom. There are more damages available to you than you might think, and we know how to recover the full scope of your losses on your behalf.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Termite Damage?

Several parties may be liable for the damages you suffer in a termite infestation. At Campbell Law, P.C., we assist clients who are facing damages when a pest control company does not adequately address the infestation. They can be held liable if they do not properly detect the insects causing the damage or do not effectively treat the infestation.

These companies will try to make several excuses regarding their poor or non-existent work. It is vital that you do not try to address the issue yourself, as you may accidentally destroy key evidence against the pest control company that did the previous treatment. Instead, when looking to hold these companies liable for the damages you have suffered, turn to Termite Tom.

It is also important to note that you should not terminate the bond you have with the negligent or fraudulent pest control company until you have spoken with Termite Tom. These bonds often include confusing language to mitigate liability or suppress your rights to a damage claim. Termite Tom has the knowledge necessary to go over these bonds with a legal eye and discover if your pest control company has used any unfair liability avoidance tactics.

When working to hold a pest control company liable for termite damage, it is important that you provide Termite Tom with as much documentation as you possibly can. This can include:

  • Any treatment reports from the company
  • Photos of the termite infestation
  • Photos of any damage to your home
  • Any available physical pieces of damaged wood

These forms of evidence can be used to develop a legal strategy that can recover your damages.

Excuses Often Made by Termite Companies to Avoid Liability

If you have entrusted the structural integrity of your property to a pest control company but you continue to deal with termite damage, these companies will use several excuses to avoid liability. These include the following:

  • The company refuses to renew your bond until you pay the cost of further treatment.
  • The termite treatment and repair firm claims they are not responsible for the damage due to there being moisture in the damaged areas of your home.
  • The company states they cannot help you until you sign a new bond with them.
  • They claim the damage is old and has nothing to do with their treatment or faulty inspection.
  • The company may agree to pay to fix any damage they discover, but they refuse to open the walls of your structure to determine if there is any unseen damage that needs to be addressed.
  • The company claims your bond has lapsed and they, therefore, do not need to pay.
  • They claim you have to pay for further treatment, as the chemicals they use may wear off.
  • The company does not see any evidence of swarms, so the problem is not severe enough to require payment or further treatment.
  • They assert that the damage is caused by carpenter ants, not termites.
  • They state they do not have a duty to discover any hidden termite damage to your structure.
  • The company claims they cannot be held liable for any rot or moisture damage to your property.

If you have heard any of these excuses from your pest control company after termite damage was found, Termite Tom is here to help. Often, these claims are made to avoid liability, but Campbell Law, P.C., knows how to prove that these excuses are purely that: excuses.

Damages Available in Termite Damage Claims

You may assume that the only damages available in a termite damage claim are the costs of the repairs to your property. There are actually several other kinds of damages you may be entitled to, and Termite Tom can evaluate your situation to find them. The most common kinds of damages recoverable in a termite damage claim include:

  • Repairs to the damaged property
  • The diminished value of a property due to hidden termite damage
  • Temporary living costs, storage units or moving costs
  • Decreased value of the property
  • Business loss of revenue due to closure or pausing of services
  • Punitive damages
  • Emotional distress
  • Attorney fees

Termite Litigation in Alabama

If you have been victimized by a fraudulent or negligent pest control company or endured bad faith practices following a termite infestation, Termite Tom can represent you. Contact our offices and tell us your story. Don’t allow con artist termite treatment and repair companies to leave you with devastating damages; let Termite Tom fight for you.

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