Terminix Guilty of Contempt: Facing $2,000 Per Day Fine

Terminix Guilty of Contempt: Facing $2,000 Per Day Fine
Mar 30, 2009

In response to a Court summons, Terminix International appeared before and Alabama Circuit Court Judge on Friday afternoon March 27, 2009 to present evidence that it was not in civil or criminal contempt of court.

To avoid a contempt citation, the world’s largest pest control firm was required to present evidence.  If Terminix wished to provide a defense, it could prove either that it was in compliance with court orders to produce evidence in the fraud case or that it had a lawful excuse.

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Terminix presented no evidence in its defense at the hearing.

Lawyers simply informed the Judge that it was “working on” responses to discovery it was ordered to answer 2 ½ years ago.

Terminix hired three lawyers to appear at the hearing – two from the powerful Chicago law firm of Hinshaw and Culberson and a Gadsden lawyer.

Terminix will have to deposit a $2,000 per day fine with the Court beginning on April 11th and will also face other penalties unless it responds in full.

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