A Tale of Two Terminix Trials

A Tale of Two Terminix Trials
Aug 15, 2022

Two Homes, Two States in Two Weeks
and $1.6 Million

Termite Tom’s Termite Team tried two cases against Terminix, back-to-back, in two separate States. In both cases, the arbitrators entered awards against Terminix, totaling $1.6 Million against the pest control giant.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

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In each case, Terminix had switched their customer’s bait station contract to a liquid treatment contract, promising to provide a comprehensive post construction chemical barrier treatment. In each case, Terminix failed or refused to provide the promised treatment. Worse, Terminix actively concealed the fact that its customer’s home was left without proper termite protection.

Indeed, one arbitrator found Terminix’s behavior to be rotten enough to enter an award of punitive damages to punish Terminix for its wrongful conduct.

If you have a termite infestation or believe you might have been cheated by your termite prevention company, contact a lawyer at TermiteTom.Com. The team at Campbell Law PC focuses on termite claim cases across the country.

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