Campbell Law filed suit against ACCOR, the largest hotel company in the world, because its Mobile Motel 6 was infested with bed bugs. Our client was in town for a gig and got eaten-up before her show. When she figured out what had happened at the ER and called the hotel, they promised to pay her medical bills and refund her room charges but reneged. Then they destroyed all the evidence.
We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.
Oh, and now about the Drury Inn on Hwy 280 in Birmingham. A disabled veteran and his wife checked-in for a good night’s sleep. The only problem with the nice room turned out to be that a few hundred (or thousand) bed bugs checked-in first. Bed bugs eat one thing- blood. So when the guests turned-in, the bugs started draining them dry. Rather than going home at the end of a pleasant trip, they couple wound-up in the emergency room with welts and painful itching from these blood-sucking vampire bugs.
Here is a customer service tip for companies that want to minimize liability that may result from gross negligence that caused physical and emotional harm to invitees who paid you a lot of their hard-earned money for peaceful, injury-free sleep: Say “We’re sorry, let us make it right.” And then follow through quickly and humbly. In other words, when you hurt somebody, follow the Golden Rule and make a meaningful amends.
You don’t need a lawyer or a judge to teach that simple, universally accepted principle. It has been written-down for thousands of years is the best selling book of all time. As Campbell Law’s Facebook Page recites: The whole law is fulfilled in one phrase: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14