19 Excuses Termite Companies Make to Avoid Liability
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“Termite Tom” Campbell talks about the run-around many customers get from termite companies when damage is found.
How pest control companies avoid liability
If you trusted the safety of your home to a professional pest control company, and you experience a termite problem, you might have difficulty getting the response you expect.
At Campbell Law, we have invested over 25 years in understanding the common excuses termite companies use to avoid paying legitimate claims to their customers.
Have you been given any of these excuses?
We cannot renew your bond until you pay for re-treatment.
We can’t help you until you sign a new contract.
We aren’t responsible because there is moisture surrounding the damaged areas.
You have a re-treat only contract, so we don’t have to pay.
We will pay to fix the damage we found, but we won’t open the walls to see if there is more.
We have to see live termites, otherwise it’s old damage and we won’t pay.
Your contract has lapsed, so we don’t have to pay.
We have no duty to find hidden damage.
The chemicals wear off, so you have to pay for re-treatment.
We cannot be held responsible for moisture and rot damage.
You dug up the chemical barrier, so the infestation is not our fault.
There are no swarmers, so the problem is not severe.
We only pay for subterranean termite damage, not Formosan termites.
Your damage is caused by carpenter ants, not termites.
Our contract releases us from liability.
Old damage is indicated on this graph with an ‘X.’
We are not required by your contract to inspect inside or annually.
We cannot renew your contract until all repairs are completed
Our insurance company refuses to pay. If you have a complaint, talk to them.
If your pest control company has used any of these excuses after damage was found, you should talk to an attorney who is experienced in termite litigation.
Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc
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We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.
The Termite Team Explains Top Termite Company Excuses
Taylot Abbot describes why termite companies must find hidden damage.
Kieron McGowin explains how to debunk the carpenter ant myth.
Kieron McGowin talks about the “old damage” excuse.
Taylot Abbot explains how moisture doesn’t cause termites.
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When we discovered a massive termite infestation and mounting repair costs to make our house whole again, we were left with many questions and not much help. Thankfully, we contacted Campbell Law and their team…
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