Fairhope AL Termite Damage Lawyer

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Being a relatively tiny creature, termites can cause extensive physical damage to homes and other properties across Alabama. The environment of the towns, like Fairhope, on the Gulf Shore, is the perfect climate for these pests to thrive. If you have hired a pest control company to assist you with a termite infestation and still have termites, the pest control company clearly did not do their job. Fortunately, a Fairhope, AL termite damage lawyer can represent you in a civil claim.

For over two decades, Termite Tom and the entire team of termite damage lawyers at Campbell Law, P.C., have been recovering compensation for clients after they have been victimized by fraudulent pest control companies. Negligent practices are all too common in this industry. These companies will often employ several tactics to escape liability, including confusing bond agreements, complicated legal jargon, and intimidating behaviors.

“Termite Tom” Campbell and the team at Campbell Law PC have successfully tried more termite damage claim cases than any law firm in America.

If you have a termite infestation or termite damage in your home, business, or church, it’s very likely that your pest control company has not done its job properly.
If your pest control company:

  • Tries to shirk responsibility
  • Take shortcuts on treatments and repairs
  • Minimize your claim in any way

You need the help of an experienced, knowledgeable termite damage claim lawyer. The effects of termite damage on your property and the financial and emotional uncertainty that come with it can be devastating. Termite Tom and Campbell Law can help.

Don’t let these big companies scare you away from the compensation you are legally owed. If you have hired a pest control company to inspect your property for any signs of a termite infestation, you have the right to expect quality work and a thorough inspection. If these companies have failed in this duty or to properly treat the infestation, you have the right to hold them liable for any damages that might occur. Termite Tom and his team can advocate for you.

Pest Control Company Fraud in Termite Damage Cases

There are many reasons why property owners in Alabama might face a termite infestation. Oftentimes, it can happen as a direct result of a pest control company not adequately identifying or treating the signs that lead up to an infestation. In some cases, the pest control company might have made simple mistakes. In other cases, though, they are actually guilty of committing fraud or misrepresentation. Some of the most common types of termite fraud in Alabama include:

Fraud Upon Inspection

When a pest control company claims to have performed an adequate termite inspection of a home or property but has actually failed to do so, it can cause a termite problem to grow and damage to increase. This can happen when you first take possession of a property, and the inspector claims it is free from termites. It can also occur during a regular property inspection.

Sometimes, a pest control company creates an inspection report that contains incorrect or falsified information. You then later determine that costly termite damage has occurred, which these companies should have reasonably uncovered. If this happens, that company can be held liable for any damages.

Cheap Treatments

When a pest control company finds a termite infestation, it is their duty, under the bond they have with you, to treat that infestation in a proper and effective manner. Unfortunately, in some situations, these companies may use diluted or cheaper chemicals to cut costs. This often doesn’t actually rid your property of termites. Rather, it can cause the infestation to grow and worsen over time.

In some cases, the companies may use a chemical that only affects the termites that come into contact with that chemical, leaving others to burrow deeper into your home, reproduce, and cause worse damage in the future.

Overpriced Treatments

On the opposite end of the spectrum, some pest control companies may recommend overpriced treatments or remedies that are actually unnecessary for the issue at hand. For example, you may have an isolated issue that can be treated with a small amount of allocated chemicals, but the company proposes fumigating your whole house to make a larger profit on your situation.

There are many other forms of termite fraud, but these are the most commonly encountered situations by the team at Campbell Law, P.C. We have also seen pest control companies try to blame the damage on everything but themselves, including moisture and carpenter ants. In some situations, they may claim that the damage is old. All this can be proven untrue in most cases. However, the aid of a termite damage lawyer is crucial to do so.

If you have been the victim of termite fraud or misrepresentation from a pest control company, termite litigation may become necessary. Termite Tom can represent your interest in court or negotiations. Pest control companies often have tough legal teams of their own and are backed by large insurance policies, which can make these litigation cases extremely difficult. Termite Tom and our team can recover compensation for the damage to your property and any other losses you have incurred.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

You’re In Good Hands

We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.

What to Expect From a Termite Property Inspection

It is vital to know what to expect from a termite property inspection. That way, you can accurately determine whether the pest control company you have hired has properly carried out the duties of their job. In some cases, when an inspection is not carried out properly, you are at a higher risk for further infestation and damage. A pest control company can prey on this, luring you into paying ridiculous costs for treatments.

When you hire a termite inspector to come to your Fairhope property, there are several areas of your structure they should check. They should especially inspect places where termites thrive, like spaces that contain moisture, wood, and soil. A termite inspector should check for telltale signs of termite damage, such as:

  • Damaged or hollowed-out wood
  • Buckling or sagging floorboards, ceilings, or walls
  • Squeaking floorboards
  • Damaged paint or wallpaper
  • Mud tubes, or the slender structures built by termites to protect them when moving from their colonies to their food sources
  • Discarded termite wings near points of entry into the property
  • Termite exit holes
  • Swarms of termites
  • Frass, or termite excrement, which is often small and pale, brown, or black, depending on the type of wood being consumed

Areas of a home, business, or other structure that should be included in a comprehensive termite inspection include the following:

  • The exterior perimeter of a home
  • The foundation of your structure
  • The basement or attic spaces
  • Any crawlspaces
  • Exposed wood of a structure
  • Any hardwood floors

If the pest control company you’ve hired fails to check every possible area of your property for signs of termites, then you did not receive a proper inspection. You can hold the inspector and their company liable for any resulting damages, such as distress, financial loss, and even the possible destruction of your Fairhope property.

It is important to note the importance of not trying to address the issue yourself. If you do, you might accidentally destroy key evidence that could help your future damage claim. Instead, call Termite Tom.

When Do You Need a Termite Damage Lawyer?

You might be wondering when to contact a termite damage lawyer. In most cases, as soon as you find evidence of termite damage in your home or business, having a termite damage lawyer on call can prove essential. Termite Tom and the entire team at Campbell Law, P.C., have the strongest proven record of success in fighting for damages faced by termite litigation clients. We suggest that you do not try to handle these legal cases on your own.

There are two ideal times to contact a termite damage lawyer. First, if the pest control company you have hired refuses to open the walls of your structure to discover the full extent of the damage, you need to contact our offices. Second, if the pest control company refuses to accept any liability for the termite damage involved, Termite Tom and his team can fight for your interests and rightful compensation.

Pest control industry professionals are often aware that the damage you are dealing with is far greater than what you can see with the naked eye. By minimizing the gravity of your claim, they can cause undue harm to your home or business property. Structures built along the Gulf Coast, like those in Fairhope, are hot spots for termite damage. Property owners living here are unfortunately up against an industry of professionals who often do not treat these properties correctly.

Therefore, when wondering when to contact a termite damage lawyer, the answer is simple. As soon as you find yourself wondering if you should contact Termite Tom, you should do so.


Compensation Available in Termite Damage Cases

Several forms of compensation may be available in a termite damage case, depending on the nature and severity of the damage itself. You can hold negligent or fraudulent pest control companies liable for these damages, which can include:

  • The actual cost of repairs or the diminished value of the property, whichever is greater
  • Emotional distress that accompanies any financial losses or worries about having to drain a savings or retirement account or your child’s college fund
  • Decreased Value of the Property: Home, Business or Church
  • Loss of Revenue: Businesses that have toclose or pause due to damage and repairs
  • Miscellaneous Damages: Including but not limited to hotels or rental properties, storage units and moving costs, and more.
  • Punitive damages if you can prove the pest control company acted in bad faith
  • Attorney fees if your attorney wins your case

Speak to a Seasoned Termite Litigation Lawyer Today

If you have received a faulty or negligent termite inspection or treatment by a fraudulent pest control company, Termite Tom can represent your interests. Contact Campbell Law, P.C., today to tell us your story.

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