Mobile AL Termite Damage Lawyer

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Dealing with termite damage is frustrating and expensive. These tiny insects can enter your home, business, or organization and wreak havoc on the structural integrity of your property. If you have hired a pest control company and are still dealing with termites, this is a clear and obvious sign that the company in question did not carry out the essential duties of the job they were hired to do. In these legal cases, a Mobile, AL termite damage lawyer can work to recover compensation for your losses.

At Campbell Law, P.C., our founding attorney has over 25 years of experience in representing clients who have suffered from faulty or bad faith pest control company practices. Termite Tom is here to put that experience to good use for you. Termite treatment companies can often be found not doing their jobs properly and avoiding the liability that comes along with that negligence or fraudulent behavior. Termite Tom is well-versed in these tactics and how to defeat them.

“Termite Tom” Campbell and the team at Campbell Law PC have successfully tried more termite damage claim cases than any law firm in America.

If you have a termite infestation or termite damage in your home, business, or church, it’s very likely that your pest control company has not done its job properly.
If your pest control company:

  • Tries to shirk responsibility
  • Take shortcuts on treatments and repairs
  • Minimize your claim in any way

You need the help of an experienced, knowledgeable termite damage claim lawyer. The effects of termite damage on your property and the financial and emotional uncertainty that come with it can be devastating. Termite Tom and Campbell Law can help.

If your home, business, place of worship, or other property has been ravaged by termites, it is time to hold the accountable parties liable for the damages you have been made to suffer. A termite infestation can not only be expensive, but it can also displace you from your home temporarily or even permanently, causing you extreme amounts of emotional misery. Let Termite Tom focus on the legalities of your case while you take the time to recover from the damages involved.

Gathering Evidence of Termite Damage in Mobile

Alabama is a high-risk state for termites due to our warm and moist weather conditions. There are several telltale signs of termite damage in a structure in Mobile. These can include:

  • Discarded insect wings near home access points, such as doors or windows
  • Hollowed-out wood, as termites tend to consume wood from the inside out
  • Buckling or sagging floors, ceilings, or walls
  • Mud tubes, as termites create these to have protection while traveling between their nests and food sources
  • Maze-like patterns in wood flooring, walls, or even furniture
  • Piles of pellets, which are left behind by termites and can look like salt and pepper
  • Tight windows and doors, as termites leave behind moisture when they eat and tunnel through your home, causing the wood to warp or tighten
  • The insects themselves, which will be one of your first signs and, unfortunately, a sign that the infestation is quite serious
  • Warped wallpaper or paint, as these insects burrow inside your walls and disrupt these coatings as they travel

If you notice any of these obvious signs of a termite infestation,it is wise to call a pest control company right away. However, if you still see these signs after a company has been out to your property to treat it, you need the legal assistance of Termite Tom. Evidence will need to be gathered to support any future claim, so it is vital that you do not try to address the issue yourself. You may accidentally destroy key pieces of evidence.

To build a strong case for negligence against a pest control company, you need to gather compelling and undeniable proof. Termite Tom knows the kind of proof you need and how to look for it. It can include clear photos or videos of any damage inside your property, whether big or small. It is important that you do not overlook small areas of your structure or spots that may be difficult to reach, as termites often work out of sight.

You will also want to gather any official inspection reports or assessments given to you by the pest control company. These documents will act as key pieces of evidence, as they come from the professionals themselves. These individuals have received training to spot termite damage that other people often miss.

You should also keep a record of any monetary quotes you have been given for damage repairs. This can demonstrate the cost of necessary repairs to your property, and it can also provide proof of the extent of your termite infestation. Additionally, it can prove crucial to save all emails or messages shared between yourself, the pest control company, and any other professionals you have contacted regarding the termite damage you are experiencing.

Termite Tom & Campbell Law Pc

You’re In Good Hands

We focus on termite cases every single day. Proven Experience Matters.

When to Contact a Termite Damage Lawyer

Termite Tom at Campbell Law, P.C., is one of the leading attorneys regarding termite litigation in the country. With a proven record of success in filing legal claims against termite preventative companies, our team can secure compensation for any damages you may have faced after hiring a fraudulent or negligent pest control company. There are two main reasons to hire a termite litigation lawyer to manage your claim:

  1. The pest control company you hired has refused to tear open the walls of your property to discover the full extent of the termite damage.
  2. The termite treatment and repair company refuses to accept any liability for the damage.

Unfortunately, many pest control companies may know that the extent of the termite damage in your home or business is much worse than what they can see, but they won’t do anything to manage this hidden harm. They might, instead, seek to minimize your claim by refusing to uncover any of the termite damage you have in your building. This is just one of the many tactics used by these companies to evade liability.

Homes in Mobile are a hot spot for termite damage, and those affected by these destructive insects are not just up against the termites themselves. They also face an industry that often refuses to actually treat homes and other properties in the proper ways.

If you are wondering whether a termite litigation lawyer is necessary to pursue compensation for the damage you are experiencing, you most likely do need their assistance. The termite team at Campbell Law, P.C., has devoted their professional careers to helping those who have suffered damages due to the bad faith practices of many pest control companies.

The Responsibilities of a Pest Control Company

The pest control company you have hired to handle your termite infestation may not have properly inspected or treated your property. Instead, they ignored the issue or otherwise acted out of negligence, fraud, or bad faith. If so, don’t cancel your bond just yet. Instead, obtain the legal advice of Termite Tom. Your pest control company has several responsibilities that they must carry out. When they don’t, our team can assist you in filing a termite damage claim.

When you hire a pest control company, you rely on them to do the following:

  • Thoroughly inspect your home for termites by carefully looking over your basement, crawlspace, attic, home exterior, and any exposed wood or hardwood floors.
  • Check your home for any signs of an infestation, such as termite swarms, mud tubes, discarded wings, buckling or sagging wood, warped window or door frames, and other wood damage.
  • Treat your home in the necessary manner to rid the property of these pests.

When they do not uphold their end of your bond, a claim is possible. Most of these bonds held between you and a pest control company will use complicated language to limit the damages and try to suppress your legal rights to seek a claim. Thankfully, with the help of a termite damage lawyer, these bonds can be examined by a professional with legal knowledge and experience. They can see if the involved company has used any unfair disclaimers of liability.

Once your claim has been turned in, expect the company to try to find a way to deny you compensation. They have access to insurance companies and their legal teams, which will do all they can to discredit your claim. This is one of the many reasons why having an attorney on your side is so vital.

Damages Available in a Termite Damage Claim

Termite Tom can review your termite damage claim as soon as possible. The legal team at Campbell Law, P.C., can then fight to recover the damages you have suffered. These can include:

  • Property Damage: You can recover compensation for any damage done to your property by way of either diminished value or the cost of repairs, whichever is greater.
  • Emotional Distress: You could seek damages for any emotional distress caused by having to worry about your finances. Examples include needing to use your savings or retirement account or a child’s college fund to pay for home repairs.
  • Punitive Damages: These damages might be applicable if your lawyer can prove that the pest control company acted in bad faith.
  • Decreased Value of the Property: Home, Business or Church
  • Loss of Revenue: Businesses that have toclose or pause due to damages and repairs
  • Miscellaneous Damages: Including but not limited to hotels or rental properties, storage units, moving costs, and more.
  • Attorney Fees: You can also recover your attorney fees and expenses if it can be proven that the pest control company acted in bad faith.

Experienced Termite Litigation Lawyers in Mobile, AL

If you have experienced termite damage in Mobile and the pest control company you hired did not adequately inspect your home or treat the property, you can file a termite damage claim against them. Contact Termite Tom today to see how he and the entire team at Campbell Law, P.C., can help you.

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